Slacking off

Hello DMRS friends!  So yes, I know I have been slacking off in regards to updating the blog and I apologize!!! Been so busy, and now that our new website is up and running,  I have been procrastinating when needing to update here.

I decided to take a little break from helping dogs that really need it because our finances have been so tight this year (well it is every year)  but 2012 more than any other.  We have been inundated by special needs dogs and have had a very difficult time raising funds for them.  Dogs with HUGE vet bills, many dogs with special needs both behavioral & medical, that adoption fees were waived.  It was so tight that I had to transfer some dogs to other rescues because we couldn’t even afford to have simple spays and neuters done anymore.  Now when things get like that, I get very sad and discouraged.  I wonder if all this is worth maxing out my credit cards and risking losing the home where many of the dogs are housed until they find their own forever homes.

But you know what – every dog is worth it, every dog deserves a chance, every dog deserves love, respect, a roof over their heads, good food, and a human companion to keep them safe forever.  So I got back up and kept on going, but wish that things will change financially, wish that I would win the lotto so I can provide more for these loving, deserving souls.

But I still feel discouraged that we don’t get enough donations to help dogs like Spankee, who has Legg Perthes Disease.  I understand that many people do not want to donate because 1) times are tough, but people can always make room for a $5 Starbucks Coffee everyday and 2) they can’t get a charitable tax receipt as Dhana Metta is a Not For Profit Society and not a Charitable Organization…

Because of this, dogs like Spankee sit waiting.  He has been with us since January and needs a $3500 – $4000 surgery, we only have $600 in the pot for him.  We like to use Canada West for these types of surgeries as they are the best, and we don’t like to cut corners on health and well being.  (Thank you Dr. Kuzma for seeing Spankee for a consult at no charge!) Poor Spankee has to wait until the funds come in to have his surgery which means he waits for his forever home.  He is an awesome dog, full of spunk and character. Loving, playful and quite the darling.  But his leg hurts and it does bum him out sometimes.  We would also be willing to adopt Spankee to a home with a waived adoption fee – if they were willing to have his surgery taken care of – I know that is a long shot, but I am putting it out there regardless.


Before Spankee, there was Fogell – who broke his leg in 2 places and we only had 5 days to raise $4000.  Thankfully, enough people donated to his cause that we were able to fix his leg and he has found his forever home, with his Foster Mom, Yvonne!  Thank you Yvonne for taking him on – knowing he was going to be difficult, but also knowing that he is so so worth it!  And thank you to Dr. Francis of Canada West for fixing Fogell’s leg!


April came to us in February, in horrible condition.  She had suffered at the hands of her owner for far too long.  She was emaciated, had a raging case of Demodex, was terrified of people, so terrified she would never stand up straight, always crouched down in fear.  Her vet bills were also very costly.  She is doing so well, that when I look at her, I know that putting out the money from my own pocket was worth it.  To see her stand up tall and proud, to see her go up to people and say hello, to see her have a full body of fur, to see her eating, playing and loving life…  Her Vet bills came close to $700. I would like thank Gail for being kind enough to donate a portion of her vet bills.

April arrives

Bella came to us last year, a sweet 2 lbs chihuahua that looked like she was on the verge of death.  She couldn’t stand up or walk very well.  She was thought to have scoliosis, but this was unlikely.  There hadn’t been any xrays done for her when she started deteriorating at the age of 1.  At the age of 5, she came to Dhana Metta and we were able to take her to Canada West to see a neurology specialist.  She was diagnosed with Atlantoaxial Subluxation of her neck.  After 7 months of being in a neck brace and living with a wonderful foster mom – Jennifer thank you! – she is now walking so much better, eating, and being a yappy little 3.5 lb chihuahua (yes she gained some weight).  We have not had any help with Bella’s vet bills – and we would like to thank Dr. Sharp for allowing the rechecks at no charge, this helps us very much indeed.

bella pink bows

My heart has always been with animals, since a small child.  I have done so many different things in my life, all that were never very rewarding in the end.  Helping the dogs find happiness, seeing the smiles on their faces, knowing they are safe – now THAT is rewarding in so many ways.  Sharing life with these beings that provide unconditional love, beings that forgive humans even when humans can treat them so horribly, beings that we could learn so much from – gives me peace.  I am never lonely, never bored!

I give all of me, physically, emotionally, and financially to help them, and sometimes I need help too.  Please donate even though we can’t provide a tax receipt.  We can do so much more with your help.  Just knowing in your heart that you helped save a soul is the best reward you could ever have.

Thank You everyone for your patience!



Dhana Metta